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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           I'm Destined 4 Eternity                                                                                                               NowThat I'm Totally                                                                                                                   Yours.   

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            IDENTITY is the youth,                                                                                                            teens and young adult                                                                                                                ministry at Shining Star.



                                                                                       Youth:   2 - 12 

                                                                                                         Teens:  13 - 17                                                                                                                       Young Adults:  18 - 27 










  • To develop in our youth a biblical worldview that will embolden them to live lives worthy of who they say they are.

  • To be faithful to God's call to disciple our youth in order that they might live with power and walk in victory.

  • To encourage, build up, and come along side our youth to aid them in embracing who they are in Christ so that they may experience the abundant life Christ offers.

  • To assist our youth in finding meaning and satisfaction in life as they develop an attitude of servanthood through serving their fellow man.

  • To stress the importance of loving God and one another as members of the Christian community understanding their responsibility to one another and being accountable to one another.

  • To come alongside the parents/care givers in teaching the necessary disciplines that will cause our youth to excel academically, socially, mentally and spiritually.

  • To assure our youth are well equipped and trained to recognize the enemy's attempts to destroy them.

  • To instill within our youth a sense of pride in who they are in Christ.

  • To assure that our children understand their greatness and maximize their potential.

  • To assure our youth understand and embrace their IDENTITY



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